Paco Pet Shop - Bg Hero


They are understood and recognized as No Tasted On Animals, those foods and products not tested on laboratory animals. Learn more about No Tasted On Animals products.

Sensitivity to the world of pet food has increased quite a bit in recent years. There is more focus on the correct way to feed them: physical needs, breed needs, according to movement, intolerances, Grain Free, holistic diet, BARF... nowadays we find ourselves in a maze of terms and sometimes even "fads" that might confuse us. What, a person who loves animals must keep in mind is: the food I give to my pet, must not have been tested on his fellow animals closed in captivity. A respectful gesture not only from the ethical side, but also to change methods of testing food for our four-legged friends. Several companies, particularly sensitive to the issue, have developed alternative ways to "lab" testing. We are increasingly relying on people who have sick dogs or cats, who are offered "experimental" cures that will then be sold on the market once the predetermined results are obtained. Not only that, this practice is also used by those companies that do not develop specific foods for sick animals, but common daily meals

Even today, several companies that produce dog and cat foods use captive animals to test palatability and function of foods, veterinary diets, supplements and drugs. Products Not Tested on Animals, are processed without harming or injuring the health, psyche or natural inclinations of the 'tester' animals. To test veterinary diets, for example, more and more companies are reaching out to owners of sick animals by providing them with the products free of charge and analyzing the benefits and results on their health.
