Paco Pet Shop - Bg Hero
Camon Protection Leis Neem Oil Barrier Collar for Dogs
Camon Protection Leis Neem Oil Barrier Collar for Dogs
Camon Protection Leis Neem Oil Barrier Collar for Dogs
Camon Protection Leis Neem Oil Barrier Collar for Dogs
Camon Protection Leis Neem Oil Barrier Collar for Dogs

Camon Protection Leis Neem Oil Barrier Collar for Dogs

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Size: Small size
Measure: Length 35 cm

The Leis Coll ar for dogs is a valuable natural support: effective aid with unpleasant effect for mosquitoes and phlebotomes, without any side effect.

Neem Oil is incorporated by the polyethylene backing in its entirety. A small amount of oil is released daily.

After 72 hours, the collar gives its full activity and provides a long-term durability of 2 months. The collar can be worn permanently and is not affected by water.


Leis Coll ar for dogs is a valuable natural support: effective aid with unpleasant effect for mosquitoes and phlebotomes, without any side effect.

Neem Oil is incorporated by the polyethylene backing in its entirety. A small amount of oil is released daily.

After 72 hours, the collar gives its full activity and provides a long-term durability of 2 months. The collar can be worn permanently and is not affected by water.

Available in two sizes, for dogs up to 10 kg (length cm 35) and for dogs over 10 kg (length cm 60)

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Camon Protection Leis Neem Oil Barrier Collar for Dogs
Small size - Length 35 cm


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Camon Protection Leis Neem Oil Barrier Collar for Dogs
MEDIUM SIZE - Length 60 cm


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The Leis Coll ar for dogs is a valuable natural support: effective aid with unpleasant effect for mosquitoes and phlebotomes, without any side effect.

Neem Oil is incorporated by the polyethylene backing in its entirety. A small amount of oil is released daily.

After 72 hours, the collar gives its full activity and provides a long-term durability of 2 months. The collar can be worn permanently and is not affected by water.

Product Line
Active ingredient
Type Antiparasitic
Duration Effectiveness
Up to 8 weeks
Eco Friendly

Contains: Essential oils, Neem oil and orange terpenes.

Contains Neem oil and hybrid Lavender essential oil.

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Prodotto naturale che utilizzo per proteggere contro Leishmaniosi
Molto buono! Ottimo profumo, molto più carino esteticamente rispetto alla versione precedente che non mi aveva convinto.
ha un odore molto forte, è un buon prodotto per tenere lontane le zanzare
prodotto eccezionale e soprattutto naturale per allontanare zanzare e pappataci
Buon prodotto, forse un po' troppo profumato
Non è così efficace
Molto efficace
Lo uso prima del grande caldo, poi preferisco Advantix é più completo contro le punture deii flebotomi.
molto buone mia piccola è molto felice
Preso per la prima volta, in aggiunta alle pipette, vista la miriade di zanzare di quest'anno. Ho preferito un prodotto più naturale, per ora sembra un buon prodotto, il profumo non è troppo forte.
Il prodotto è ottimo. Naturale e profumato sembra non aver dato problemi al mio pet che soffre di gravi problemi di pelle. Lo indossa da pochi giorni ma sembra comunque tenere lontani i parassiti.

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Camon Protection Leis Neem Oil Barrier Collar for Dogs

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Paco Pet Shop - Bg Hero

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