Vegan Wet and Dry Food for Dogs and Cats

The vegan and vegetarian philosophies, involve the total lack of animal protein and the partial (in the vegetarian diet it is allowed) presence of elements derived from animal husbandry, such as eggs, milk, etc.

The origin of the choice to feed one's dog vegan (i.e., containing no animal derivatives and meat) or vegetarian (i.e., containing protein from fruits, vegetables, tubers, as well as eggs and dairy products) food stems from human awareness of the intensive breeding ways of some pet food companies, but also of food for us. Not only that, as annual statistics from global veterinarians show, more and more dogs are manifesting allergies to certain proteins or products added to their meals such as appetizers and dyes. Choosing foods that are not of animal origin, then, would limit these kinds of illnesses and meet the dog's needs due to the only proteins of plant origin (potatoes, rice, legumes, etc.).

Check out the best Veg products for Dogs and Cats

Scegliere per il proprio cane o gatto alimenti plant based o vegetariani (ovvero che non contengono carne o pesce) può portare benefici per tutti

Sostenibilità Ambientale: la produzione di alimenti a base vegetale tende ad avere un impatto ambientale minore rispetto a quella delle carni.

Peso e gestione delle allergie: alcuni animali domestici soffrono di allergie alimentari o problemi di peso. Una dieta plant based può offrire un'alternativa leggera e priva di allergeni per affrontare queste sfide.

Minori problemi gastrointestinali: le diete plant based possono essere più facili da digerire per alcuni Pets, contribuendo a ridurre i problemi gastrointestinali, la stipsi, o le difficoltà digestive.

The best brands that produce VEG foods and snacks
